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Order the Unlock Code of your Blackberry Torch

Important: Select the Network your Blackberry Torch is originally from. Do NOT select the network you want to use.

When I order an Unlock Code for my Blackberry Torch , what will I receive?

We provide you with the Unlock Code to permanently unlock your Blackberry Torch .


In case your Blackberry Torch requires multiple Unlock Codes, all Unlock Codes necessary to unlock your Blackberry Torch are automatically sent to you.


We also provide detailed instructions on How To Unlock your Blackberry Torch . In most cases the procedure is very easy:


Our Support Team is there to help with any questions you may have, please feel free to contact us anytime!

How to Unlock Blackberry Torch ?

  1. Make sure your SIM card is NOT inserted into the device.
  2. Turn ON Blackberry Torch and click the “Manage Connections” icon. Choose the option “Turn off all connections”. The cellular radio will be turned off.
  3. Go back to the Home screen and click the “Options” icon and select “Advanced Options”.
  4. Scroll down and select “SIM Card” from the list.
  5. Press the following keys in order: (M) (E) (P) (E).
  6. A prompt will appear asking for the unlock code. Input the 16-digit unlock code.
  7. Reboot your Blackberry Torch.
  8. Re-enable the cellular radio.

Any suggestion? Want to help us improve our Guideline to unlock Blackberry Torch ? or those are not accurate ? Please contact us

City Cloud Canada is an incorporated company, we've been unlocking cell phones for
20 years now and strives to provide the best service for our clientele.

Cell Phone Unlocking protected by McAfee Secure Comodo SSL Certificate is certifying security for phone unlocking

All products, and company names, logos, and service marks (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed are registered® and/or unregistered trademarks™ of their respective owners. City Cloud Canada is not associated with or sponsored by Blackberry. The authors of this web site are not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the third-party trade mark or third-party registered trade mark owners, and make no representations about them, their owners, their products or services.

Why Purchase From Us?

Best Phone Unlocking Choice
  • Permanent Factory Unlock
  • Full Permanent Unlock (All Levels)
  • 100% Money back guarantee
  • 24/7 Customer support team
  • Fastest turnaround of delivery
  • Simple instructions provided
  • Rated 4.9 out of 5 from 14717 reviews

Our Last 4 Certified Reviews

  • Jason G. on 06/08/2024
    I will always recommend UnlockBase. The service delivery is fast, and the company is very trustworthy. I have never had any issues with them.
  • Brad Cooper on 06/07/2024
    UnlockBase delivers quick and reliable details about my phone every time. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to check the status, or unlock their phones.
  • TiagoUrso on 06/06/2024
    Site confiavel, não tive sucesso no desbloqueio, mas foi por ter pendencias com a operadora. Recomendo eles trabalham honestamente.
  • levar robinson on 06/04/2024
    very fast and reliable service I would recommend to everyone, trusted website. paid for my 13 pro max to be unlocked June 3 2023 @ 12:31 am and my phone was unlocked by the following day even thou they said up to 5 days.