UnlockBase.com is owned and operated by UB Media LLC, 120 Madeira Dr NE, Suite 220, Albuquerque, NM 87108, United States. UB Media LLC is registered as a Limited Liability Company with the Secretary of State of New Mexico with the Business ID # 6145094. UB Media LLC is hereinafter referred to as "UnlockBase".
UNLOCKBASE is a registered trademark (USPTO registration number 4954017) of UB Media LLC and is protected from reproduction, imitation, dilution, or confusing or misleading uses under national and international trademark and copyright laws. Any use of this trademark without the express written permission of UB Media LLC is strictly prohibited.
UnlockBase is not affiliated with and/or representing any wireless network carrier or mobile device manufacturer. All trademarks by wireless network carriers and mobile device manufacturers are used only in a nominative (“nominative fair use”) and/or descriptive (“descriptive fair use”) manner to describe our products and services. No products or services offered by UnlockBase are connected to or endorsed by any trademark holder that may be mentioned.
In accordance with the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-113publ144/pdf/PLAW-113publ144.pdf), unlocking mobile devices is explicitly permitted by law and does not constitute a copyright infringement according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/senate-bill/517).
Mobile Device Unlocking is fully legal in most countries worldwide. It is the customer’s obligation to ensure that Mobile Device Unlocking is legal in their country. By submitting an order with UnlockBase, customers accept full responsibility for complying with all local, national, and international laws applicable to their jurisdiction.
UnlockBase will neither participate in, nor provide support for any illegal activities. If a device is GSMA blacklisted and/or reported lost or stolen, UnlockBase will not service this device.
All Unlock Codes, Remote Unlocks and other processing results are delivered by Email and are accessible on the Track Order page (https://www.unlockbase.com/track-order.php) at any time for a minimum of 1 year after the order is completed.
The estimated delivery timeframe depends on the specific model/carrier combination and is outlined on every product page. The timeframes outlined are estimations based on the average processing times of the most recent successfully completed orders. However, processing times vary constantly based on supplier loads and technical reasons. Therefore, UnlockBase cannot guarantee the actual delivery time always to meet the estimated timeframe outlined on the product page.
Orders may be canceled only either if the order processing has not been initiated yet or if the order is not completed within the estimated timeframe stated on the product page. Once the order has been completed, the Cancellation Policy is superseded by the Refund Policy.
Cancellation requests must be sent by Email to info@unlockbase.com including the Order # and/or IMEI to be canceled.
Our "100% Money Back Guarantee" guarantees that the provided Unlock Code, Remote Unlock or Software Unlock will successfully remove the carrier lock from the submitted mobile device. If the provided code is erroneous (Code Unlocking), the IMEI still locked (Remote Unlocking) or the Software Unlock unsuccessful, a full refund will be issued unless excluded by any exception below.
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to make sure their order details are correct when submitting their order. If the provided IMEI, carrier or device model are incorrect and the order is already processing or completed, the order generally cannot be refunded as human errors on the customer side are completely out of our control. In such cases it is in the sole discretion of UnlockBase to decide on a case-by-case basis if a full or partial refund can be granted.
If the provided Unlock Code, Remote Unlock or Software Unlock was not utilized by the customer for any reason out of the control of UnlockBase or if the submitted device was previously unlocked by a third party with or without the customer's knowledge, no refund can be issued as in such cases since we do not receive refunds from our unlocking suppliers.
No refunds are issued if the provided Unlock Code, Remote Unlock or Software Unlock is not working properly or cannot be applied to the device due to previous jailbreaking or other modifications to the firmware of the device. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to restore the factory default settings in order to proceed with the unlock.
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to check and ensure hardware compatibility between the submitted device and the new carrier they plan to use. UnlockBase cannot grant a refund in case of hardware incompatibility as it is impossible for us to know which network carrier the customer plans to use.
No refunds are granted if the provided Unlock Code, Remote Unlock or Software Unlock successfully removed the network lock from the device but the device still does not work with the new carrier due to being barred or blacklisted by the carrier for any reason out of control of UnlockBase.
Our Support Team must get the chance to verify and troubleshoot each claimed issue with the aim to resolve it before a refund can be issued. If a refund is applicable, the customer must request the refund within 90 days starting from the order completion date.
UnlockBase Wholesale Credits are the exclusive currency used within the UnlockBase Wholesale Terminal to pay for our services. Wholesale Credits cannot be used outside the UnlockBase Wholesale Terminal and any services inside the UnlockBase Wholesale Terminal can be paid for only using UnlockBase Wholesale Credits. Fiat money can be used within the Wholesale Terminal only to purchase UnlockBase Wholesale Credits. UnlockBase Wholesale Credits are hereinafter referred to as "Credits".
Credits can be purchased exclusively from within the UnlockBase Wholesale Terminal and are only usable therein. Converting credits back to Fiat money is possible only upon permanently closing your Wholesale account.
Unused Credits automatically expire after six months. It is the sole responsibility of the Wholesale Client to estimate the amount of Credits they need for their operations and to use them before expiration. UnlockBase is not liable for any shift of business plans or expectations of the Wholesale Client regarding the usability of previously purchased Credits.
Credit purchases are generally strictly non-refundable. However, in case a Wholesale Client decides to permanently close their UnlockBase Wholesale account, all remaining unexpired Credit balance will be refunded.
The availability of unlocking tools fully depends on our suppliers and is subject to change at any point without prior notice. In case a tool becomes unavailable, pending orders will be cancelled.
All unlocking tool prices are subject to change at any point without prior notice. Upon price changes, pending orders may either be fulfilled at the old price or get cancelled for resubmission, depending on the supplier conditions.
No refunds will be granted for negative processing results caused by not following the special instructions displayed on the order page of the respective unlocking tool.
Wholesale Client accounts can be temporarily or permanently suspended at any time with or without prior notice as a result of the violation of our Terms of Service. Remaining unexpired Credits will be refunded. Once an account has been permanently suspended, it cannot be reopened again and all account data including the processing history are irrevocably erased. A new account may only be created upon written permission by UnlockBase.
Wholesale Client accounts can be closed upon user request at any point by sending a written request to info@unlockbase.com containing the Wholesale/B2B ID to be closed. Once an account has been closed, all account data including the processing history are irrevocably erased. A closed account cannot be re-opened again but a new account can be created at any time.
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